Happy Birthday To My Little Answered Prayers

My whole life…I just wanted a sister. I had two terrible, awful big brothers & one stinky, horrible little brother that I hated from the moment he came out. (Let it be known that I love them all dearly now.)

I prayed & prayed so hard. I let my parents know that they better get pregnant with a girl sometime soon, or I was going to go ballistic.

When they finally got pregnant after my brother, there were some complications and they thought it was a miscarriage. I wrote a card to the baby, who I just knew was a sister, about how much I loved her. Thankfully, that card is now in her baby book….because everything was alright!

I got Bailey, my little curly haired doll to dress up…then two short years later God gave me my little grumpy blondie baby Brenna. I liked to dress her up too, though she wasn’t quite as keen about it.

Though I should have been happy, I knew something wasn’t done yet. So I started praying for more sisters. In particular, identical twin sisters. When I told my mom, she laughed in my face and told me that was never going to happen.

Imagine her surprise when two years of her eldest daughter’s fervent prayers later…..she fell pregnant with twins.

I knew.

And I was right.

I checked when they came out, and identical girls they were.

My little girl heart was oh so happy.

AnnaMary & Hadassah were born when I was 14 years old. My momma was put on bed rest for a couple months before their birth, and was stuck breastfeeding twins for the year after.

That was when I learned all that I know now. I became a mini mother, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

I could be bitter because I spent my whole high school career burping babies. Instead I am so thankful. Because not only do I have so many skills that I wouldn’t have gained otherwise, I have two little loves.

I know those little girls by their footsteps, their giggles, the cow licks on the backs of their heads. When they cry, my heart twinges a little and I want to make everything better.

I am so very proud of their accomplishments and love everything about who they are.

Today they are eight years old. Eight years that I’ve been falling more and more in love with them.

Anna & Dessa, thank you for preparing me for motherhood. Thank you for loving me so much and giving me the blessing of two little hearts to call mine. I cannot wait to watch you both grow up and become the women God created you to be. Your big sister loves you.

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